mandag 7. november 2011

The Dojo

The Dojo is the place where we practice Judo. Ideally it should be a place of peace, focus and meaning that gives gives a space for one to reach a higher level of mastery while also raising one´s competitive ability.

Article 4 The Budo Charter - DOJO 道場(Training Hall)
The dojo is a special place for training the mind and body. In the dojo, budo-practitioneers must maintain discipline, and show proper courtesies and respect. The dojo should be a quite, clean, safe and solemn environment. 

There is always a special atmosphere in a real Dojo and to be there all your lonesome can give a sense of calmness that is rare to come upon in our modern day and time.
Sometimes a Dojo can also be a specially beautiful place. I have taken some pictures of different Dojos I have found to be particularly beautiful:


The top of the ceiling symbolizes Mount Fuji while the Dojo is also facing the direction of Fuji-san.

The entrance to the Tokai Budokan, containing Ken-Dojo and Ju-Dojo, are built in traditional Japanese style with Sakura-trees on both sides. 

The Dojo of Nippon University of Sports Sciences or NITAIDAI:

The Dojo is only a couple of years old and has a modern design.

BUT! Tradition is not forgotten! Here is a picture of Kano and a beautiful calligraphy of his maxims, in gold. 

克己 or "self-denial" in beautiful calligraphy at the center of the Dojo. Some may say that the virtue of denying one´s own desires and being able to act in a disciplined way is an ideal for most Judoka. In this Dojo this is clearly highlighted.


And then the most beautiful Dojo in Scandinavia and maybe Europe, at least in my opinion:

The BOSEI DOJO at Idrætshøjskolen Bosei in Denmark

The spirit of the Danish nature makes a perfect scenery for Judo. The changing of the seasons can be seen through the large windows and sunlight breaches in and makes the Dojo very much alive. 

The Dojo is a place worth appreciating and we also need to remember that the people before us made it possible for us to study in such an ideal environment. 

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